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Program Details

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we invite you to join Rolling Ridge for an ONLINE Advent Prayer Journey. Each Sunday during the weeks of Advent (beginning December 1st and concluding December 29th), we will offer ONLINE reflections and contemplative sharing at the Vesper Hour from 6:00 to 7:00 pm eastern.Low: An Honest Advent Devotional by John Pavlovitz will be our guide this season.Click here to obtain a copy of the book.

In this honest Advent devotional, best-selling progressive Christian author John Pavlovitz reminds us that God came to meet us in the low places of our lives -- and that Jesus continues to come low this Advent season. When we plant our feet firmly in the dirt of everyday life, we see Jesus meeting us in the low places: when we live humbly, when we seek forgiveness, in our grief and suffering, when we act on behalf of someone else, when we pray.

Each of the five weekly vesper experiences will feature Christmas music, candle lighting, readings, prayers, silence, reflection, and lectio divina using one of Pavlovitz's devotions to shape our time together online.

Along with our weekly Advent Prayer Journey, we encourage you to journey through this season with a Spiritual Director or to connect with a spiritual companion who is also on the Advent Prayer Journey with us. If you are interested in meeting with a spiritual director or finding a spiritual companion, please email us.

Although there is no charge for our Advent Prayer Journey, your generous year-end donation will allow Rolling Ridge to continue offering spiritual opportunities to encourage and support those who are seeking a touch of the Divine during these challenging times. Thank you for your support and partnership in this important work.

We invite you to also join us for our annual Advent Quiet Day on Monday, December 2nd with overnight retreat options with our Advent Companioned Retreat.

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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February 16, 2025

Rohr Book Study: Breathing Under Water

with Lawrence Jay

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February 18, 2025

Practice Roundtables for Spiritual Directors

with John Kiemele

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February 19, 2025

Walking the Talk: A Pilgrimage with Peace Pilgrim

with Stephanie Rutt