Rev. James Todd served as the director of Rolling Ridge from 1976 to 1987, where he demonstrated a remarkable gift for hospitality and creating inclusive spaces. Despite experiencing a challenging childhood marked by family difficulties, Jim transformed his early experiences into a lifelong dedication to peace, justice, and youth development. His passion for reclamation and transformation was evident in his work, particularly in welcoming and supporting all people at Rolling Ridge. Jim's motto, "People Places, Sacred Spaces," captured his vision for Rolling Ridge, and after his death in 2022, planted the seeds of inspiration for the Todd Hall Renovation Project.
In November of 2023, Rolling Ridge held a memorial service and listening session, where we reflected together on Rev. Jim Todd's legacy at the Ridge, and imagined new possibilities for the Niantic room. It was a rich and beautiful time together. We launched the Todd Hall renovation project as a major focus for Rolling Ridge in 2024.
Since then, we've raised over $20,000 and completed Phase 1 of the fundraising project, with Phase 1 work beginning in December of 2024. We're replacing major components of the floor, walls, ceiling, lighting, and HVAC systems to make the room clean, beautiful, and comfortable.
We're halfway through Phase 2 fundraising, which will breathe new life into Todd Hall, adding furniture, furnishing, a mural dedicated to Jim Todd, and a modern audio-visual system to preserve his love of music and movement. We'd love to have your help in crossing our fundraising finish line for Phase 2!
Donate NowImagine a space that seamlessly combines beauty, comfort, and functionality: an open-concept hall with high quality flooring, enhanced natural and overhead lighting, and a clean and inviting color palette. It will feature temperature-controlled heating and cooling systems and provide easy access to the outdoors—a sanctuary that nurtures mind, body, and spirit.
Inspired by Jim’s dynamic ministry, we envision a space that offers new possibilities for the future of Rolling Ridge. We are reimagining a space that is designed for a multitude of ministry settings, including:
Want to learn more? Please contact Rev. Michael Reed, Associate Director at Rolling Ridge, to learn more, volunteer to help, or ask more questions. You can contact him by email at, or by phone at (978) 716-2223.
We also invite you to read this article, written by Michael Reed, on the work of Mary Todd in keeping Jim's legacy alive for herself and for future generations.
Every gift, large or small, helps bring us closer to our goal. All funds donated will be used to renovate the former Niantic Room and bring Todd Hall to life!
The Todd family has recently digitized one of Jim's "Four Seasons" slide presentations. View these pictures of life and ministry at Rolling Ridge during the 1970s and 80s.