June 29, 2020
Over the past few months as we've sheltered in place, many of us have spent more time online on our devices and with the news than we ever have. With our eyes on overload, it can be hard to see, to really see. This week for our "Take Your Time Tuesday" video, we invite you to change your visual gaze, slow down, and engage in the spiritual practice of "visio divina" or "divine seeing."
Through contemplative photography, retreat leader, Ingrid Cyros, introduces us to the practice of "visio divina" as she teaches us to let our "eyes graze with wonder" upon one of her photographic images. If you'd like to explore the spirituality found in photography, we invite you to join us on July 7th for a "taste of" Ingrid's full day retreat which occurs later this fall.
Click the thumbnail below to watch the video.