January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
September 13, 2019
4:00 pm
September 15, 2019
12:00 pm
This event has been canceled.
Location and Address
Karen is a spiritual director, retreat and yoga leader and faith formation educator. She has a great passion for nurturing the awareness of God’s love, presence and promise in peoples lives.
As the Director of Children’s Ministries at Old North Church of Marblehead, Karen shares sacred stories, scripture, reading, creative play and art to lead the youngest of us to God’s grace.
Karen has enjoyed planning Eco Adventure and looks forward to exploring God’s Creation this summer at Rolling Ridge.
As a graduate of Gateways to God, Spiritual Direction Program and Congregational Formation at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center and the Soul of Leadership program, through Excutive Soul and the Shalem Institute, Karen has deepened her understanding of body, mind and spirit, offering this to those seeking a companion on their walk in faith.
Margaret Leslie - President of ISHA, Director of HTSM, MS, LMT, HTSM-CP/I,CCA
Margaret is a certified Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry practitioner/instructor and certified Clinical Aromatherapist with 25 years experience as a School Psychologist.
Since 1996, she has been coordinating Healing Touch, Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry and Clinical Aromatherapy classes in the Knoxville area.
Throughout her life she has been active in her church and involved in the Order of St.Luke. For several years, she has maintained a private practice in Knoxville and
Dandridge, TN. Bountiful Health Magazine published her article on Healing Touch in the treatment of breast cancer.
As President of ISHA and Director of HTSM, Margaret specializes her teaching in the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry program. She volunteers to teach this work in third
world countries and shares in the Healing Ministry of her church.
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Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center
660 Great Pond Road
North Andover, MA, 01845
Phone: (978) 682-8815
Fax: (978) 681-1162