January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
This new ADVANCED learning cohort enriches and expands our vocation as spiritual directors/deep listeners by deepening our skills and widening our perspectives within our relational contexts (aka "neighborhoods"). Rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition, Deep Listening in the Neighborhood is an annual training that combines narrative-based conversations, stretching spiritual practices, reflective engagement, and deeper listening skills in efforts to be God’s loving, listening presence in our world. Five online sessions spread across eight months will focus on a particular relevant theme and build upon foundational principles and experiences of spiritual direction/deep listening. Participants must have prior training and be practicing spiritual direction/deep listening. Sessions meet via Zoom from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (eastern).
2023-24 Cohort Focus: Listening Across the Great Age Divide
The trends of younger generations involved in religion have been declining for years for reasons like dissatisfaction and hypocrisy, especially around issues related to sexuality and inclusion. Older generations say things are different and yet younger generations simply are not hearing it. They are done. And the divide persists. How do we listen across the great age divide in our neighborhoods today?
Participants will experience poignant readings and practices with reflections, small group discussions, and the opportunity to build a unique Neighborhood Listening Experience module by module.
Registration: $400
Registrations close October 17, 2023
To register:https://www.rollingridge.org/event/deep-listening-in-the-neighborhood-across-the-great-age-divide-17525026
For more information, contact DLN director Jackie Trotter Dove at dlneighbor@rollingridge.org