January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
2020 will be a year that will live infamy, with most of us ready to move into 2021. Although 2021 will be a new year, we will still be living amid a pandemic with uncertainties and fear still pressing in. A new year, however, does bring new opportunities so we invite you to join us for an online retreat to start your 2021.
In a safe and sacred space, we will explore three priorities to keep us focused on hope, grounded in faith, and connected to love through 2021. At Rolling Ridge, we believe in the importance of "Soul Care" and want to introduce you to some practices to keep you spiritually healthy and growing in God's grace.
Though we may ring in the new year with physical distancing, we hope that spiritual connecting will be on your resolution list. Let Rolling Ridge help. Sign up for this mini-morning retreat today.
There is NO COST for this event, but your generous donation would be appreciated to support our ministry and to underwrite our operation expenses as the pandemic continues. Thank you!