January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we invite you to join Rolling Ridge for an ONLINE Advent and Christmas Prayer Journey. Each Sunday during the 4 weeks of Advent and 12 days of Christmas, we will offer reflections and contemplative sharing based on the book, "Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Henri Nouwen" at the Vesper Hour from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.
Along with these weekly vesper experiences, we encourage you to journey through this season with a Spiritual Director/Companion and make this an at-home, online directed retreat with six weekly meetings. Weekly spiritual direction is optional, but encouraged to allow you to experience the birth of Christ in a new way this year.
Many of our "Rolling Ridge approved" spiritual directors are offering their services as a gift, so that there is no charge for weekly spiritual direction through this online retreat. Thus, all financial donations for this Advent Prayer Journey will go to support the ministry of Rolling Ridge as a year-end offering.