January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
You are invited to take time out of this busy season to join hands in sacred dance and enter the longest night of the year in community. Our solstice ritual will take place outside in the courtyard around the well as we light a candle in the dark, a light of peace, hope, faith and love. Together we will take our place in the continuum of time, welcoming our Earth Star’s journey of returning light. Each dance will be taught, no experience required. (Note: it is custom to wear white)
Winter Solstice Overnight Retreat: Friday, December 21 , 2pm - Saturday the 22nd at noon. The Wisdom of the Mystics will companion us in a lightly guided program of inspiration, with time in nature, silence, story, sunset labyrinth walk, Yule Log ritual, and Sacred Dance. Overnight registration deadline is Friday, December 14th. Registration Fee includes meals (dinner & breakfast): $130 per person.