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Program Details

Today most of us are caught up in noisy, disorienting life experiences from many directions. Such experiences can unsettle what’s usually settled, deafen us to deeper life, and lock us into isolating survival mode.

But what if “survive” could shift into “thrive”? What if our inner formation could sharpen our listening and unlock life’s fullness?What if our lives could be reconnected and nourished through authentic spiritual companionship?

What difference could such a life make today? This is what our upcoming course called “Way of the Heart” is all about. “Way of the Heart” offers the opportunity to discover sustaining resources and fortifying experiences with God/the Divine and others. “Way of the Heart” introduces generous listening and spiritual companionship as foundations for vibrant, life-long spiritual transformation. “Way of the Heart” seeks to nurture wholeness and renewed purpose for a thriving spiritual journey.

“Way of the Heart” is a 5-month experiential learning cohort offering a rhythm of large and small group interactions that encourage participants to live into the fullness of life by awakening to God’s loving presence, by stretching through time-tested spiritual practices, and by considering unique Love-based opportunities to serve.

Led by a team of Rolling Ridge facilitators - John Kiemele, Janet Kessenich, and Henry Schoenfield - this experience includes:
•Five MAIN TOPICS: Trusting the Way of the Heart, Expanding Awareness, Becoming Whole, Listening Generously, Envisioning Contemplative Living
•Five ONLINE Saturday mini retreats from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, meeting on February 6, March 13, April 10, May 8, and June 5th.
•One ONLINE small group experience between Saturday sessions
• At least two one-on-one SPIRITUAL DIRECTION sessions within the five months with a spiritual director of your choice (This is one of the best ways to learn what “Way of the Heart” is all about! If you would like help finding a spiritual director, please contact us. Any fees associated with these sessions are NOT included in course registration costs)

Registration Costs: $150 for full package
Space is limited. Register early. Registration deadline: January 29, 2021
To guarantee a spot, please submit a $40 non-refundable registration fee which applies to
the total cost of this course. No part-time or commuter rates.
Registrations are now open online at (www.rollingridge.org)

If this opportunity stirs interest for you or if you would like more information, please contact us by email (thestaff@rollingridge.org) or (kiemelejohn@gmail.com) or phone (978-682-8815).

We strongly suggest taking this course if you are interested to register for Gateways to God in the future

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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February 9, 2025

Rohr Action and Contemplation Small Group

with Lawrence Jay

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February 10, 2025

SoulCare: Befriending Your Body

with Carrie Ives

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February 11, 2025

SoulCare in the Margins

with John Kiemele