January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
Released just weeks ago, Father Richard Rohr's latest groundbreaking book, "The Universal Christ," is now on the New York Times Best Seller List. We invite you to gather together with other Rohr enthusiasts for a book study to discuss how "a forgotten reality can change everything we see, hope for, and believe," as the book's subtitle suggests. We'll be using The Universal Christ Companion Guide for Groups as the basis for discussions. Solo reflections, pairing sharing, group discussion -- we'll be employing all three modalities to enhance our understanding of Father Richard's ideas and expand our creative engagement with our beautiful and ancient faith.
The Universal Christ Book Study will meet 3-4:30pm in the CSL
(Center for Spirituality & Leadership) building at Rolling Ridge.
Unfortunately, CSL is not handicapped accessible.
NOTE: Participants are asked to read the Prologue of the book AND the first 2 chapters before coming to the first meeting on May 5th.