January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
The path toward spiritual unity, though not easy can place us in a faith practice that is no longer part of the traditional church practices and prayers. God is no longer "out there" to be prayed to but in-dwelling and to be experienced and incarnated through us. The hymns about being saved and that deify and separate Jesus from humanity no longer spark that sense of awe they once did. In this journey we can often feel as if we are alone in the desert.
This one-day program will focus on our unique experiences of the Divine and celebrate the many ways in which we can lift each other up in our unitive journeys. We will offer some different worship practices and find new and beautiful ways to come together as the many parts of one body in faith. Participants will come together to design a final worship celebration to end our time together.
Registration Fee: $79 for the day, including lunch.