January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
One of the many benefits of the psycho-spiritual tool of the Enneagram is its insightful and accurate description of personality. Beyond its psychological element lies a map of spiritual wisdom and potential inner transformation. For the spiritual director, it offers many levels of understanding of how the soul unfolds and develops. One area of particular interest that will be explored in this retreat day is that of prayer. All types of prayer, from contemplative to expressive to mystical, impact different types in unique and particular ways. In this retreat day, we will experience various kinds of prayer and their particular value according to where we find ourselves and our directees in the Enneagram.
While a basic understanding of the Enneagram is recommended for this day, it is not required. An overview of the three basic centers will be presented that will offer a background to the experiential understanding of how our souls differ in response to various forms of prayer.