January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
Kosi R'vaya is Hebrew for My Cup Runs Over, one of the most beloved phrases in the well–known Psalm 23. And, how true it is that when we step into the ancient sound current of the Hebrew language, we find ourselves standing on holy ground answering the call of our Good Shepherd.
The twenty–two letters of the Hebrew script are known as the Aleph–Beis and have been called the brick and mortar, the soul, the protoplasm of the universe—described in Kabbalistic literature as profound primal and spiritual forces which constitute the raw material of creation. Each letter of the script has a life, meaning and energy all its own so when you combine them to make words the sum always exceeds the parts. It’s why when you say Psalm 23 in English, you understand. But, when you say it in Hebrew, you awaken.
In this 12–week, online class, we’ll explore the Psalm line by line as well as learn the Psalm in Hebrew as we go along. Our facilitator, Stephanie Rutt, will share her book of prayers, prayers she created in her doctoral program, for each letter of the Hebrew scrips translating the esoteric into everyday experience. You’ll also receive an audio of her saying the Psalm to enjoy and practice with, should you so wish, between classes. In addition, the group will enjoy Hebrew songs and chants as a part of each class, effortlessly interwoven with our discussions.
Come. Step. Follow. Who knows where the Good Shepherd may lead you . . .
Registration fee: $120 for the online course series.
You will receive login information upon registration.
Course dates: Tuesday evenings 6:00-7:30 pm