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Program Details

Not everyone is tech savy,even in these COVID times where practically EVERYTHING that involves ANYTHING is either on-line, facebook, facetime, YouTube, Instagram, or the new-normal community of ZOOM!

Rolling Ridge has chosen to transition programming to the ZOOM platform since the shutdown in March.With restrictions still playing a role in how many people can safely gather together in a room, many of the scheduled Day Apart Retreats for the fall of 2020 will be transitioned to online.For many, this is foreign, high-maintenance, irrational, and downright ridiculous.

Entering a ZOOM room without any understanding or knowledge of how it all works could be JUST enough of a deterrent to prevent you from enjoying a much needed day of rest and renewal.

Come to a half hour session where nobody will roll their eyes, nobody will laugh at you, and everyone is in the same boat!Join Rolling Ridge Director of Operations, Danny Smith, as he gently and compassionately guides you through the basics of how to exist in the ZOOM world without the anxiety of being a new-comer.

All you'll have to be able to do is click a link in an email on a device that opens your internet that has a camera and a microphone.Your SMARTPHONE or tablet/laptop/ipad will suffice if your COMPUTER doesn't have a camera/mic.And if you're unsure about THAT, email Danny for further instruction.Otherwise, click the register button on the top of this page and login the day of the session using the link you'll receive in the confirmation email.

THERE IS NO CHARGE TO ATTEND THIS SESSION, although donations to the ongoing mission and ministry of Rolling Ridge are greatly appreciated.Thank you.

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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February 16, 2025

Rohr Book Study: Breathing Under Water

with Lawrence Jay

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February 18, 2025

Practice Roundtables for Spiritual Directors

with John Kiemele

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February 19, 2025

Walking the Talk: A Pilgrimage with Peace Pilgrim

with Stephanie Rutt