January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
HWJV? (How Would Jeremiah Vote?)
The answer is with his whole self. After struggling with his connection to his Higher Power, after facing honestly the unsettling claims of justice on his life, after coming to terms with his love/hate relationship with his people and his nation, and after acknowledging the cost to himself. This retreat will focus attention on the meaning of this rich resource for our own decisions in this challenging year of our own history. Jeremiah's words will invite us to respond from our heart and soul rather than analyze from our mind.
$70 for the Day Apart Retreat. However, we invite you to extend your time at the Ridge with an overnight retreat. Join us on President's Day, February 17th as Lawrence Jay leads, “Being Presidentially Present: A Day of Contemplative Prayer & Conversation about our Nation’s Leadership”. Come for both Monday and Tuesday Day Apart retreats, enjoy Monday dinner, your overnight stay in a private room and breakfast on Tuesday. Cost: $199 per person