January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
Are you weary from giving your all in your home or at work? Does the state of our world rob you of peace and fill you with tension?
Come away for a while and be restored. Let this one-day retreat on either Friday, May 6thORSaturday, May 7thbe a Mother’s Day gift from your loved ones or from yourself. Be rejuvenated by thought provoking sessions, in the company of like-minded women, with quiet time for reflection.
Discover, alongside the Gospel sisters Martha and Mary, how God is always working for our good by tucking blessings and lessons into our tension. Learn how Claire McGarry’s G-I-F-T method from her bookGrace in Tension: Discover Peace with Martha and Marywill help you search out those lessons and blessings so you can apply them to your life. Experience them transform your tension into grace so you feel restored and ready to live out your own “better part” centered in Christ.
Consider giving the gift of a day retreat at the Ridge to a special woman in your life. NOTE: Special registration discount if you sign-up and attend with your mother or your daughter.