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Program Details

As Christians, haven't we always believed that the universe is saturated with the Sacred? An incarnation of the Divine? If so, then how could we have so grossly disregarded the well-being of other life forms and contributed to the desecration of this vast and beautiful planet? Come hear renowned Franciscan priest, visionary, and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) discuss an evolving and all-embracing spirituality of Creation. In his groundbreaking DVD series Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy, Father Richard Rohr delves into what’s known as eco-spirituality – a spirituality based on the understanding that “God is in all things” – and calls for a drastic reorientation of humanity’s relationship to the rest of the material world. Father Rohr’s vision? That people everywhere may come to participate in what he calls an emerging “global spirituality.”

Following the hour-long video viewing, there will be time for contemplation, refreshments, and a creative exchange of ideas about the video as well as a conversation about "next steps" in localizing the ministry of CAC and Richard Rohr in New England.

Note: Father Richard will not be present in person at this event; we are together viewing these pre-recorded sessions on DVD, provided by the CAC.

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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February 9, 2025

Rohr Action and Contemplation Small Group

with Lawrence Jay

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February 10, 2025

SoulCare: Befriending Your Body

with Carrie Ives

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February 11, 2025

SoulCare in the Margins

with John Kiemele