January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
Who knew that the life of the Spirit could be so dramatically different at various times of life? Richard Rohr, OFM, founder of The Center for Action & Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM, outlines the developmental tasks and challenges associated both with being young and with embracing one's advancing years. The point of both is to uncover the divinity within. Come to this inaugural book study to pray, read, journal about, and discuss the art of spiritual integration across the life span. This program is appropriate for adults of all ages.
"In Falling Upward, " Richard offers a simple but deeply helpful framework for seeing the whole spiritual life -- one that will help both beginners on the path as they look ahead and long-term pilgrims as they look back over their journey so far."
-- Brian McLaren, author of a New Kind of Christianity and Naked Spirituality