January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
How can we find sacred rest in our daily lives, and how can we carry this lasting peace into the world? In the rhythms of bread-making, from mixing the dough to breaking the loaf, we find an opportunity for personal reflection and social transformation.
Though the process of bread making might seem complicated, it embodies the beautiful realization of creating order out of chaos. Flour will become airborne, and our hands will always be coated in a dried white crust, but the deeply rich brown tones of the finished loaf and the warm aroma speak to a deeper reality of the rhythm of work, rest, and play.
Join us at Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center as we explore the spiritual dimensions of bread-making and how it can enrich not only our relationship with the Divine, but also with and among one another.