January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
We invite you to enter twenty four hours of reflection, meditation, dreaming and ceremony as we gather to explore our reactions and place in these challenging times. Art as Meditation will help make meaning in what many are naming the “dark night of the soul of humanity”.
Through the lens of Creation Spirituality and the teachings of Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox, we will have an opportunity to explore our responses, personally and collectively, to the times we are living out, encouraging an inner journey of ‘art as meditation’.
With lanterns of holy light held high we will travel The Four Paths of Creation Spirituality (Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, Via Transformativa) gathering touchstones of hope and sparks of courage. Our time in the Via Negativa will hold a space for grief.
Mico Kaufman's sculpture the Shepherdess will gather us in as we listen with our hearts to the mystical words of Lady Julian of Norwich, a guiding light of hope in times of darkness.Our time will include a sunset labyrinth meditation and Starlight Celtic Lughnassadh Ceremony welcoming the first harvests.
Art as Meditation:
Movement: Sacred Circle Dance with Ellen Kennedy
The original impulse to dance came from a deep desire to connect with divine mystery. When we join hands (hearts in the time of pandemic) and dance these simple dancing mantras a blessing descends and energy is activated. With
intention the dance becomes an intercessory prayer of healing for our own sacred being and for the people, places and situations around the world is great need for a touch of love and grace. Each dance is taught, no experience required.
Sound: with Sarah Vulgamore
Sound meditations guide us to join the harmonic frequencies of nature and experience a deep consciousness and connection with the sacred. As we cultivate healing and transformation during our retreat, we will immerse ourselves in the ancient resonance of the Himalayan singing bowls, the sweet and perfect 5th of the Monolina, the powerful drone of the shruti box, the heartbeat of the Celticmoose-hidedrum, and sacred chanting with Lady Julian of Norwich.
Image: With Christopher Volpe
Painting:The "Four Paths Suite" abstract paintings just completed by Volpe will be springboards for personal reflections andmeditationson the mystic's journey along the Four Paths
Ink/Scroll: Intuitive mark-making with natural brushes and organic walnut ink
Contemplative engagement with the Shepherdess by Mico Kaufman
Word:Lady Julian of Norwich, reflective writing, sharing from the heart
“If you should notice one of my public sculptures, I would like you to stop and ponder on its subject. The pause might refresh, inform, and even inspire. My work reflects on the bonds that substantiate our humanity.” Mico Kaufman
Art as Meditation:” …is deeply ecumenical…universal…opens us to the Spirit that seeks to touch
us deeply.” Matthew Fox
*Art as Meditation, an integral teaching of Creation Spirituality Movement
**Creativity, Where the Divine and the Human Meet by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox
REGISTRATION DEADLINE is 3pm, Friday, July 24.
$169 per person, private room, shared bath.
$119 Commuter, (includes Dinner and Breakfast)
Check in Saturday, August 1 at 1pm, and retreat concludes Sunday, August 2 at 1pm.
For additional information please visit http://dailymeditationswithmatthewfox.orgUse the search button at the bottom of any mediation for teachings on Julian, CS, Four Paths, Art as Mediation